APEC 6/25: Magnetic Monopoles, UAPs & Vortex Ring Propulsion
12:00pm PT – Taylor A. Cisco Jr – Magnetic Monopole Propulsion: Clues from UAP Trees
This presentation stemmed from one of the very few unidentified flying object (UFO) reports to have been published in peer reviewed physics journals. Its author, Bruce Maccabee, had suggested UFOs produce magnetic monopoles after analyzing magnetic site tracing data from Gulf Breeze, Florida and mathematically assessing Claude Poher’s compilation of field strength data from the Chambon-la-Foret research station in France. Summaries of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) reports about the behavior and site tracings of trees; similar magnetic site tracings from reports of an UFO crash in Southaven Park, Long Island, New York; analyses by Jacque Consiglio of the impulse gravity reports by Evgeny Podkletnov, Giovanni Modanese, Claude Poher and Danielle Poher; and Keith Frederick’s analyses of particle tracks in photographic emulsions shall be included as evidence supporting Maccabee’s hypothesis.
2:00pm PT – Michael Boyd – Apache UAP Infrared Video Analysis
On November 6, 2018 the pilots of a U.S. Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopter were on a training flight in Arizona when they spotted three UAP doing wild maneuvers in the sky not too far away and not particularly high in the sky. In this presentation, Michael Boyd will review the FLIR footage from the training mission and offer suggestions on gravitational modification based on distortions in the footage.
4:00pm PT – Joseph Whiting – Vortex Ring Cavitation Apparatus
Introduction to a novel apparatus for investigating the properties of vortex ring cavitation in relation to sonoluminescence, super-fluids, BECs, solitons and the casimir effect. The apparatus is highly customizable and allows for a wide spectrum of test materials.
6:00pm PT – Mark Sokol & Aidan Schaffer – Lab Updates
Mark Sokol and Aidan Schaffer will discuss the latest updates to the lab in preparation for their upcoming experiment marathon. This includes the addition of a Vacuum Vapor Deposition machine for thin-film metamaterial manufacturing for use in various experiments including Alzofon.
They will also attempt to manufacture the now infamous “UFO SKIN SAMPLE” consisting of Bismuth Zinc and Magnesium along with their oxide layers for test in the EPR Alzofon setup.
Additionally, they will also going to be giving the Podklenov Gravity Impulse Experiment another shot with a much more accurate replication including a custom-made acrylic vacuum chamber and massive Helmholtz coils.
Aidan will also present on his replication attempt of the Manelles thermoelectric conversion device and a custom-made magnet conditioner that allows the creation of scalar magnetic fields in a ferrite magnet.
7:00pm PT – Open Discussion
Conference guests interested in presenting experimental info to the group are invited to participate at this time, and our presenters will be available to take questions & discuss experiments.
Taylor A Cisco
Michael Boyd
Joseph Whiting
Mark Sokol
Falcon Space
Jeremy Rys: Alien Scientist