APEC 9/30: UAP Propulsion, Physics & Materials
Jack Sarfatti will discuss UAP propulsion physics, David Chester will provide a quantitative analogy between gravity & condensed matter, and Jeremy Rys will present an overview of reverse-engineering UAP technology with a detailed review from its historical origins to current Department of Defense investigation & Congressional hearings. We’ll also be hearing updates from our lab partners and finishing off the event with an open discussion by conference attendees!
12:00pm PT – Jack Sarfatti – UAP Propulsion Physics
Dr. Jack Sarfatti will discuss the UAP Phenomenon and ramifications for propulsion & military technology, and present a model for a low-power warp-drive consistent with conventional model of Einstein’s Relativity Theory. He will discuss the 5 observables, evidence of blue / red shifting, shape-shifting & gravitational lensing, and rapid acceleration/deceleration and high velocities consistent with warp-drive propulsion. Sarfatti will also explain how Susskind & Maldacena’s ER=EPR, gravitational meta-materials, and Roger Penrose’ tilted light-cones support his model for propulsion and apply to known behavior of UAP flight performance.
1:00pm PT – David Chester – Gravity vs. Condensed Matter
Dr. David Chester will be discussing a quantitative analogy between gravity and condensed matter, and explore a variety of theoretical approaches to modifying the fabric of time space based on the formalism of relativity theory, quantum mechanics, and other models. By exploring the most general framework of relativistic gravitational dynamics as a quantum field theory, multiple antigravity candidates are found. Conventional approaches from supergravity, string theory, and conformal gravity isolate simple antigravitic fields similar to Maxwell electrodynamics or Heaviside gravity. By understanding how the quantum vacuum is effectively a metamaterial, this perspective is used to study metamaterials for engineering applications of antigravity.
2:00pm PT – Jeremy Rys – UAP Tech Briefing (Late 2023)
Jeremy Rys will present an overview of reverse-engineering UAP technology with a detailed review from its historical origins to current Department of Defense investigation & Congressional hearings, along research suggestions on UAP reverse-engineering for advanced propulsion applications. Jeremy has been studying the technology behind UAP propulsion systems for over a decade, and his research has built a massive online audience who rely on his scientific & technology analysis.
3:00pm PT – Lab Partners – Experimental Research Updates
Learn about hands-on engineering & technical research on advanced propulsion experiments by our lab partners. Mark Sokol & the Falcon Space team will describe recent work on NMR / EPR gravity-modification experiments, as well as Mark’s gravity-plating experiment and several other projects. Falcon Space continues to grow rapidly & add new equipment for machining & fabrication of experimental systems, and is a regular presenter at APEC. Bryan St. Clair will discuss research being done into new inertial propulsion experiments at St. Clair Tech – with replication assistance from colleague Ross Small. Other labs are anticipated to share updates as well during this time.
4:00pm PT – Open Discussion & Ad-Hoc Presentations
Conference Q&A sessions, general discussion, and unplanned presentations by guests & attendees will take place during APEC’s open discussion. This is a regular part of each conference and allows attendees to communicate, collaborate & update each other on research, trends, and news items important to the community.