BOMBSHELL! UFO Technology: Pandora's Box is Being Opened! Are we ready?
I believe there is a New Globally Competitive Manhattan Project level operation taking place right now... to develop actual warp drives (seriously... no Star Trek BS)... an arms race to see who can be the first to develop this technology is going down right as we speak. The Russians and Chinese Scientists are already well on their way...
This Technology is about to become a full blown reality within the next 10 years... And I'm about to put a few more pieces of it together for you all.
Trump's creation of a Space Force and his appointment of the new Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan is timely, and directly related to intelligence summaries detailing the recent advancement of our understanding of the science behind this alien technology, which the Government has been in possession of for years without ever telling the public these programs existed..
(See Declassified DIA Report: )
You can find the original Source material Copied without -monetization for fair use educational purposes only and with proper attributions and citations:
Edition 1: Dr. Jack Sarfatti on the Physics of the 'Tic Tac' UFO
The Stardrive Report
Published on Dec 29, 2018
Semiconductor Exciton Polaritons
Quantum Light University of Sheffield
Published on Oct 29, 2014
Additional Papers and Resources:
Hal Puthoff and Erik Davis ( key papers:
Engineering the Zero-Point Field and Polarizable Vacuum
For Interstellar Flight
Quantum Ground States as Equilibrium Particle‐Vacuum Interaction States
John Wheeler:
Delayed Choice Experiment (KEY KEY KEY!):
#metamaterial #quasicrystal #UFO