Conjuring UFOs - Surely This is Borderline Supernatural?
The Big Picture, available now exclusively on Billy Carson's 4BiddenKnowledgeTV - Follow this link to watch all 3 seasons now - Steve and Robbie delve into the world of the paranormal, Magick and the ability to conjure UFOs. Can Tulpa's really exist, brought into our world through spiritual or mental powers? If so, then the concept of conjuring UFOs doesn't sound so farfetched. Since the days of seances and mediumistic sittings, many have reported the spontaneous manifestation of items and objects. These apports are very real and physical in nature. Could this same process be applied using the CE5 protocols and if so, do these manifestations represent the UFO / Extraterrestrial phenomenon or something far more sinister? Featuring special guest, researcher and author Susan Demeter and special thanks to Barry Fitzgerald.
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