Grad Student Raises $30,000 for Charity Dropping Free Pizzas Out of His Second Floor Window
Grad Student Raises $30,000 for Charity Dropping Free Pizzas Out of His Second Floor Window
During the pandemic, plenty of people have used baking or other culinary hobbies to pass the time. A grad student in Philadelphia specifically turned his focus to pizza—but not content with firing up pies for his own consumption, he’s been literally lowering free pizzas from his second-floor apartment with a simple request that the beneficiaries donate money for charity—and he’s raised over $30,000 in the process.
Good Pizza PHL isn’t an actual pizzeria—it’s just 27-year-old University of Pennsylvania MBA student Ben Berman and an Instagram account—but the pizzas he’s made in his one-bedroom apartment and the money he’s raised are very real. The Maine native told Penn’s Wharton School website that the very first drop happened last March somewhat by necessity.
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