Moon Dust to Mars Dreams: The Next Step Beyond Earth
Astronaut Woody Hoburg and leading planetary scientists join Brian Greene to explore ambitious new missions set to propel humanity deeper into space and sharpen our quest to discover life beyond Earth.
This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.
Warren "Woody" Hoburg
Lauren Edgar
Lindsay Hayes
David Flannery
Moderator: Brian Greene
0:00:00 - Introduction
00:05:30 - Artemis Program: A Bold Step Forward
00:11:15 - What Can the Moon Teach Us About Earth
00:16:40 - Exploring the Lunar South Pol:e The Hunt for Water
00:22:10 - Training Astronauts for Moon Missions
00:27:55 - The Future of Lunar Exploration Bases and Beyond
00:33:20 - Why Mars Has Captivated Us for Centuries
00:39:05 - Mars Rovers Searching for Signs of Life
00:45:30 - Water on Mar:s Where Did It Go
00:51:00 - Perseverance and the Mars Sample Return Mission
00:57:20 - The Science of Mars Clues to Earth’s History
01:02:30 - Should We Send Humans or Robots
- Conclusion
- Credits
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