New UAP Report Has Answers... Just Not The Ones UFOlogy was Hoping for...
UAPs are REAL yes... But Why Not Aliens?
Government Research into Invisibility Technology Began in the 1950s with the CIA's Project Rainbow directed by Physicist Edward Mills Purcell.
After decades of classified research metamaterials were finally discovered and named in the late 1980s/early 90s by Sir John Pendry.
Intelligence Officials believe that star-faring ETs would likely possess invisibility and cloaking technology capable of making them completely invisible to our senses and sensors.
Quantumly Entangled Photon Pairs are being used in LIDAR systems in a newly emerging anti-cloaking technology known as "Quantum Radar".
Glenn L. Martin Company began development of autonomous pilot-less aircraft in the mid 1940s! See: Louis Witten Oral History on AIP.
Drones are a much more plausible explanation for many UFO Sightings.
Teledyne Ryan TR-3A Black Manta and black stealth triangle drones of the 1970s:
Still no hard evidence of Ed Fouche's Aurora Project and the TR-3B Astra...
Laser Light Propulsion Research History, Present Day Capabilities, and projections for future technology.
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