Opening the Doors To Our Perception - We're Trapped Within The Confines of our Cavern
The Big Picture, available now exclusively on Billy Carson's 4BiddenKnowledgeTV - Follow this link to watch all 3 seasons now -The Infinite Midfield presented a model of the universe whereby the Eidolon is passive and can only access the wider reality through entheogens. The book 'Opening the Doors of Perception' presents evidence that the “Doors of Perception” can be opened without the facilitation of entheogens. Steve and Robbie discuss with researcher and bestselling author Anthony Peake about a new concept, known as the Huxleyian Spectrum. With special guests, Maggie LaTourelle, Dr Diane Hennacy Powell, Rebecca Sharrock, Emma McCann, Myron Dyal and Samantha Treasure.
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