Search Results: "UFO"
Is That A Flying Saucer? Large Black UFO Filmed over Campo Grande in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Added 232 Views / 0 LikesIncredible footage of what might be a flying saucer UFO captured on October 4th 2015 over Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The witness Felipe Souza was driving along this busy road when he and others noticed this object flying in the sky above them. Eventually t
What Are These Blue Objects? Three UFO Orbs Filmed Flying Around Apartments over São Paulo in Brazil
Added 243 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Three UFO orbs filmed on November 2, 2021 over São Paulo in Brazil. These objects were spinning in circular formation around these apartment buildings. At one point one orb seems to be releasing/dropping another object.➨ Original Source:
What Is That Object Close To The Sun? Large Black UFO Spotted Next To Our Sun For Past Three Days
Added 224 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Large black UFO spotted from January 13 to January 15, 2022. The object is probably the size of Ohio and was orbiting the sun for the past three days. ➨ Original Source: mAsh's YouTube Channel➨ UFOs IN S
Bright Glowing UFO Orb Observing The Skies Sighted over Highway in Atlanta, Georgia
Added 212 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Bright UFO Orb sighted on October 16, 2021 over a highway in Atlanta, Georgia. It was witnessed by two friends who started recording the event after noticing the bright glowing object in the sky.➨ Original Source:
Strange UFO Orb Invisible To The Naked Eye Shoots Towards Ground with Incredible Speed in Spain
Added 188 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Strange UFO orb witch was sighted on October 8, 2021 over Azpeitia in Spain. It's invisible to the naked eye and was captured by infrared night vision camera. The witness stated that he estimated it to be about 200 to 300 meters away from
Incredible Fast Moving Tic-Tac Shaped UFO Filmed During Flight Somewhere over Southern New Jersey
Added 234 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Fast speeding white UFO captured on January 26, 2022 over Southern New Jersey during a flight from Atlanta, Georgia to New York's LaGuardia Airport. This footage was emailed in by a viewer.➨ ALL-IN-ONE (PLAYLIST):➨ R
Two Glowing Cigar Capsule Shaped UFOs Flying in Straight Path over Louisville, Kentucky
Added 222 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Two glowing UFOs sighted over Louisville in Kentucky on October 7th, 2021. The event was witnessed by many people, including two adults and two children. ➨ Original Source: testimony: "My fath
Huge Illuminated Cylindrical Cigar Shaped UFO Filmed By Truck Driver over Paita Port in Peru
Added 238 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Huge glowing cylindrical shaped UFO spotted over Paita Port in Peru on October 20, 2021 by a truck driver. You can hear the witness filming saying "Ovni" with excitement in the footage multiple times which stands for UFO in Spanish.➨ Orig
Extremely Bright UFO Light Filmed By Truck Driver on Highway I-78 Eastbound in Watchung, New Jersey
Added 258 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Bright UFO light filmed by a truck driver while driving on highway I-78 Eastbound of Watchung in New Jersey. The footage is from January 23rd, 2022 around approximately 6:30 AM in the morning.➨ Original Source:
Bizarre Flashing UFO Orbs Sighted over Glace Bay, Nova Scotia in Canada
Added 239 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Multiple strange flashing UFO lights sighted over Glace Bay in Nova Scotia, Canada on January 30th, 2022. The witness stated that these objects were spinning with flashing lights in high frequency. ➨ Original Source:
Multiple Glowing UFO Orbs Sighted Flying and Disappearing in Clouds over Colbert County in Alabama
Added 228 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Multiple glowing UFO Orbs sighted over Colbert County in Alabama on April 23, 2022. There were at least 15 of these objects flying and disappearing in the clouds.➨ Original Source: Adventures YouTube channel
Black Triangular Shaped UFO Hovering Motionless over Islamabad in Pakistan
Added 219 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Black triangular shaped UFO over Islamabad in Pakistan on January 25, 2022. The witness stated that he noticed this dark object in the sky hovering as he was landing his drone. He went to the rooftop of his building filming with his iPhon
Strange Circular Black UFO Passing The Moon Filmed During Livestream By Astronomer in Colombia
Added 226 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Black Circular UFO filmed by amateur astronomer from Colombia during one of his livestreams observing the moon. This footage was filmed on May 8th, 2022. As the object passes the moon it seems to be casting a shadow on the moon's surface.
Metallic Saucer Type UFO Flying and Landing Witnessed By Several People over Medellín, Colombia
Added 224 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Incredible metallic UFO object was caught on April 9th, 2022 over Medellín, Colombia. It's the capital of Colombia’s mountainous Antioquia province. Nicknamed the “City of Eternal Spring” for its temperate weather, it hosts a famous annua
Incredible Black Speeding UFO Filmed While Observing The Moon by Skywatcher in Serbia
Added 262 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: While observing the moon on August the 23rd, 2021 by skywatcher Dragana in Aranđelovac, Serbia she caught this huge incredible UFO object with fast speed close to the surface of the moon casting a shadow.➨ Original Source: https://youtu.b
Three UFO Orbs in Classic Triangle Formation Joined by Fourth One Takes Off Into Clouds over Arizona
Added 182 Views / 0 LikesIn this footage: Three UFO orbs hovering stationary in a straight line in the sky on September the 3rd, 2021 over Mesa, Arizona. They begin to rotate into the classic triangle formation before being joined by a fourth one taking off into the clouds. ➨ Ori
Joe Biden Avoids and Laughs Off Question on UFOs & Former President Barack Obama's Thoughts on UFOs
Added 263 Views / 0 Likes➥ Follow This Channel on Odysee ➨ @FindingUFO$/invite/@FindingUFO➨ Original Source:➨ UFO & ALIEN NEWS (PLAYLIST):➨ RECOMMENDED VIDEO:
Strange Group of Bright Glowing UFO Orbs Sighted Hovering over Tampa Bay, Florida
Added 281 Views / 0 Likes➥ Follow This Channel on Odysee ➨ @FindingUFO$/invite/@FindingUFO➨ Original Source:➨ ALL-IN-ONE (PLAYLIST):➨ RECOMMENDED VIDEO:➨ E-mail Your UFO Footage: co
Three Spectacular UFO Orbs Sighted Hovering in Triangular Formation over Cape Town (South Africa)
Added 248 Views / 0 Likes➥ Follow This Channel on Odysee ➨ @FindingUFO$/invite/@FindingUFO➨ Original Source:➨ ALL-IN-ONE (PLAYLIST):➨ RECOMMENDED VIDEO:➨ E-mail Your UFO Footage: co
Strange Illuminated Spherical UFO Object Filmed Below Clouds over North North Carolina's Coastline
Added 331 Views / 0 Likes➥ Follow This Channel on Odysee ➨ @FindingUFO$/invite/@FindingUFO➨ Original Source:➨ ALL-IN-ONE (PLAYLIST):➨ RECOMMENDED VIDEO:➨ E-mail Your UFO Footage: co