Search Results: "UFO"
Two Dark Sphere Metallic UFOs Filmed Over East Kilbride In Scotland
Added 181 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was filmed on September 10, 2022 over East Kilbride, Scotland. In the video we can see two dark sphere UFOs moving within a path against the wind. The witness stated that the objects seems to be metallic sphere in origin surrounded by some so
Strange Black Triangular Shaped UFO Sighted Over Werneth Low Hill In Manchester, England (UK)
Added 158 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was sighted on August 31, 2022 over Werneth Low which is a hill in Greater Manchester, England (UK). It is located on the borders of Stockport and Tameside. ➨ Original Source:
Four Bright UFO Lights Filmed By Driver From Highway Over Sacramento, California
Added 217 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was captured on September 30, 2022 over Sacramento in California around 10 PM local time by a driver while driving on the highway. We can see that there are three bright lights in a distance with a fourth one appearing shortly after.➨ Origina
Four Strange Bright Moving UFO Lights Sighted over Marseille in France
Added 213 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was captured on July 1, 2022 over Marseille in France around 10:30 PM local time. We can see that there are four bright lights in a distance, which I believe to be attached to one solid object. ➨ Original Source:
Strange Shapeshifting Triangle UFO Craft with Plasma Lights Sighted over Waterloo in Iowa
Added 206 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was filmed somewhere in May 2022 but was uploaded on June 22nd over Waterloo in Iowa. The object seems to be brightly illuminated and changing shape. It looks like it's a triangle shaped military craft and guessing that there are three anti-g
Metallic Diamond-Shaped UFO Witnessed By Several People Hovering over Medellín, Colombia
Added 201 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was filmed on June 27, 2022 over Medellín in Colombia. This metallic coloured diamond-shaped UFO was witnessed by many people in the city, from different angles and locations. ➨ Original Source:
Tic-Tac UFO Chased By Two Fighter Jets Disappearing Into Clouds over Mount Desert Island in Maine
Added 212 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was captured on June 20, 2022 over Mount Desert Island in Maine. We can see these two jets chasing this UFO just before the camera goes out of focus and the object and jets enter the clouds.➨ Original Source:
Three Strange Bright UFO "Orbs" Sighted From Brooklyn and Filmed Disappearing Facing New York City
Added 229 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was filmed from The Brooklyn Heights Promenade in Brooklyn facing the City of New York on May 17, 2021. The witness stated that before filming he thought they were helicopter, but he watched these strange objects doing strange movements which
Strange Disk Shaped Rotating UFO Lights Sighted By Group Of People Above Bridge in Argentina
Added 246 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was filmed on January 6, 2022 by a group of people over their local beach at Mar del Plata in Argentina. We can see that the lights are rotating. The witness claims the object being a flying saucer. Eventually out of sudden the lights disappe
Circular Shaped UFO with Multicolour Bright Lights Sighted over Orangeburg in South Carolina
Added 235 Views / 0 LikesThis brightly lit object was sighted on January 6, 2022 over Orangeburg in South Carolina. The witness noticed this object when he went out for a smoke of the front yard of his house. The craft was pulsating multicolour lights and looked like circular sha
What Is This Object? "Fast Walker" UFO Filmed By Drone over Vera Cruz in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
Added 200 Views / 0 LikesThis object was filmed on August 8, 2021 over Vera Cruz a city in the province of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. This object seems to be flying very fast and was caught by a drone. What could this object be? ➨ Original Source:
Strange Mothership UFO Filmed Releasing Two Smaller Lit Objects over São Paulo in Brazil
Added 246 Views / 0 LikesThis brightly lit object was filmed over the Mooca District in São Paulo, Brazil on August 8, 2021. The witness quickly pulled over this car and managed to film this UFO, what looks like a mothership releasing two other objects. If you pay close attention
Fast Moving UFO Spotted Live over Buckingham Palace During Queen's Platinum Jubilee Flypast Show
Added 249 Views / 0 LikesThis UFO was spotted during the Queen's Platinum Jubilee show on June 2nd, 2022 over Buckingham Palace with the Queen and Royal Family of Britain. We can see a fast moving UFO flying, once the jets make their appearance. ➨ Original Source: https://youtu.b
Is That A Flying Saucer? Black Saucer Shaped UFO Sighted Hovering over The Bronx in New York City
Added 232 Views / 0 LikesThis strange object was sighted on September 7, 2021 over The Bronx in New York City. The object seem to look like a classic saucer shaped craft. ➨ Original Source: – YouTube Channel➨ ALL-IN-ONE (PLAYLIST): h
Incredible UFO Captured Moving At High Speed During Rainy Day in Queensland, Australia
Added 203 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was captured on May 13, 2022 at Moore Park Beach in Queensland, Australia. The witness was filming the rain in slow motion mode when this UFO was sighted traveling in fast speed. ➨ Original Source:
What Are These Lights? Group Of UFOs Sighted By Pilots Over The South China Sea At 39,000 Feet
Added 240 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was sighted on November 24, 2021 over the South China Sea at approximately 39,000 feet. It was filmed by the pilots from their cockpit. They first noticed nine orb lights then they became twelve. We can argue that these might be military flai
Are These Two Chasing UFOs? Incredible UFOs Sighted Moving Out Of Way over Fayetteville in Arkansas
Added 220 Views / 0 LikesThese objects were filmed on September 25, 2021 over Fayetteville, Arkansas around 8 PM local time. While noticing the moving light for the second time that evening the witness grabbed his phone to film it. The witnesses watched the hovering object for ov
What Is That Object Behind The Clouds? Cube Shaped UFO Filmed During Thunderstorm over New Jersey
Added 222 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was filmed on September 28, 2021 during a silent thunderstorm over Vineland in New Jersey. The witness decided to film this bizarre silent thunderstorm. If you pay attention you can see a cube shaped UFO with perfect 3D dimensions behind the
Disc Shaped UFO Filmed By Passenger During Air India Flight From New Delhi To Riyadh
Added 237 Views / 0 LikesDisc shaped UFO filmed on November 10, 2021 during an Air India flight from New Delhi, India to Riyadh the capital of Saudi Arabia. The passenger noticed this object in the distant and started filming. The object seems to be disc shaped and at one point i
What Is That Object Shooting Off? Incredibly Fast UFO Filmed Close To Fighter Jet over Miami Beach
Added 214 Views / 0 LikesThis footage was filmed during the Miami Air and Sea Show hosted on May 28th 2022 over Miami Beach. It was filmed by David Sugarman and submitted to the channel. The object is incredibly fast and seems to be shooting straight up off the water towards the