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13 25:48
Do You Know Yourself? - Mind Field (Ep 8)
5,049 Views / 0 LikesDo You Know Yourself? - Mind Field (Ep 8)
14 04:20
Video of Justin Bieber's Latest Reptilian Shapeshifting Meltdown Goes Viral
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16 01:17
X-Rays Reveal Interactions Between Eta Carinae Stars | Video
4,618 Views / 2 LikesX-Rays Reveal Interactions Between Eta Carinae Stars | Video
17 33:18
The Psychedelic Experience - Mind Field S2 (Ep 2)
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18 09:41
Real 'Death Star' Fires High-Energy Particle Beam At Sister Star | Video
4,156 Views / 0 LikesA rare black widow binary star system consists of one of heaviest neutrons stars (~2X Sun Mass) known and a small companion star (12X Jupiter Mass) in the tightest orbit ever seen. High-energy particles from the former are obliterating its companion.
19 07:06
UFO Sightings UFO Crash In Canada!? Chief Of Jackhead Speaks!!! Exclusive Interview 2015
4,099 Views / 0 LikesUFO Sightings UFO Crash In Canada!? Chief Of Jackhead Speaks!!! Exclusive Interview 2015
20 06:49
Interview : à quels enjeux devront se frotter les colons martiens ?
3,698 Views / 0 LikesInterview : à quels enjeux devront se frotter les colons martiens ?
21 04:29
5 Wendigo Caught on Camera & Spotted in Real Life
2,942 Views / 1 LikesThe wendigo is a mythical creature thought to inhabit the northern forests of the United States. The first reports of the Wendigo come from Native American tribes, who claim to have seen the creature. Sightings of the Wendigo were often associated with fo
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Artificial Intelligence - Mind Field (Ep 4)
2,596 Views / 0 LikesArtificial Intelligence - Mind Field (Ep 4)
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DAMN GOOD! Best UFO Videos 2015! NASA Cover-Up [HAARP] Truth Revealed~!
2,509 Views / 0 LikesDAMN GOOD! Best UFO Videos 2015! NASA Cover-Up [HAARP] Truth Revealed~!
24 10:08
Breaking News! Flying Disc [CRASH] Into Frozen Lake? Canada Military [UFO-Recovery] 2/19/2015
2,475 Views / 1 LikesBreaking News! Flying Disc [CRASH] Into Frozen Lake? Canada Military [UFO-Recovery] 2/19/2015