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40609 01:28
Exoplanet WASP-127b has extreme supersonic winds
26 Views / 0 LikesThe CRIRES+ instrument on the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) has been used to measure the supersonic jet winds on gas giant exoplanet WASP-127b. Credit: ESO
40610 01:00
NASA Mars Insight lander and dust devil tracks seen in time-lapsed orbiter pics
26 Views / 0 LikesNASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has captured several images of the Insight lander on the Red Planet between 2018 and 2024. See a time-lapse of the imagery here. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
40611 08:56
Blastoff! SpaceX launches 2 Firefly lunar landers to the moon, nails booster landing
26 Views / 0 LikesA SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket rocket launched two lunar landers — Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost and Resilience, built by the Japanese company ispace — from NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida on Jan.15, 2025.The first stage of the rocket touched down
40612 02:41
Une armée d'insectes cyborgs en cours de développement ?!
26 Views / 0 LikesSavez-vous qu’une armée d’insectes cyborgs est en cours de développement ? Des scientifiques d’universités japonaises et singapouriennes ont mis au point un algorithme avancé destiné à améliorer la navigation d’essaims d’insectes cyborgs. Mais pour quoi f
40613 1:18:20
Alien Overloads at Nellis Air Force Base! | TALL WHITE Extraterrestrial Residents
26 Views / 0 Likes@UAMNTV What secrets lie within Nevada's deserts? Charles Hall reveals his extraordinary encounters with Tall White aliens at Nellis Air Force Base. Discover their advanced technology, social dynamics, and collaboration with the U.S. Air Force in this com
40614 04:13
Swarm of Drones UAPs UFOs over Arizona and Ohio
26 Views / 0 LikesJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdXfEfd8eqyd4ZpRaxLwy3g/joinPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/davidufomania/giftPlease subscribe: https://rumble.com/register/Ufomania/ufomania-merch: https://teespring.com/ufomania-
40615 00:57
A CERN physicist has shared a cryptic and eerie message
26 Views / 0 LikesA CERN physicist has shared a cryptic and eerie message with Americans, warning of a breathtaking event where all the planets will align in the night sky between January 21 and January 25. She adds in an unsettling tone that CERN cannot be blamed for what
40616 13:15
Scientists Discover Massive Secret Hidden Within World's Biggest Tree
26 Views / 0 LikesScientists Discover Massive Secret Hidden Within World's Biggest TreeDeep in the heart of California's ancient redwood forest, a team of scientists led by intrepid biologist Harper Thorn made a startling discovery within the colossal trunk of the world's
40617 12:51
Researchers Finally Solve Amelia Earhart Mystery
26 Views / 0 LikesResearchers Finally Solve Amelia Earhart MysteryAmelia Earhart was one of the most influential women and pilots in history for many reasons.She was the first female to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and received many awards for her accomplishments througho
40618 14:22
He Thought His Drone Had Filmed A Flock Of Sheep. Looking Again, His Face Turned Pale
26 Views / 0 LikesHe Thought His Drone Had Filmed A Flock Of Sheep. Looking Again, His Face Turned Pale.Nathan was an amateur filmmaker, using his drone to capture the quiet beauty of his country. What he thought was a simple shot of a tranquil flock of sheep grazing on th
40619 04:49
F-35 falls from the Sky in Alaska! Satellite breaks up over Wisconsin! Texas & Louisiana tornadoes?
26 Views / 0 LikesHappy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate.Stay cool.God bless everyone,Thttps://www.paypal.me/THORnewshttps://venmo.com/TEric-Lewisonhttps://www.patreon.com/thornews
40620 1:30:51
What Creates Time? A Challenge to Scientific Orthodoxy
26 Views / 0 LikesScientist and author Julian Barbour joins Brian Greene to explain his heterodox views on the nature of time, entropy, and cosmic origins.This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation. Participant: Moderator: Bria