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41065 13:19
When Scientists Drilled Into Mount Kilimanjaro, They Found A Biblical Secret Deep Within The Ice
22 Views / 0 LikesWhen Scientists Drilled Into Mount Kilimanjaro, They Found A Biblical Secret Deep Within The Ice.Natural wonders can reveal a ton of secrets about history. Such is the case with ice cores—they contain samples of what life was like for humanity many years
41066 10:19
The BIG Chemtrail* Question!? 7.4 Earthquake Peru! 100 inches of snow & 30+ inches of rain N. Cal!
22 Views / 0 Likeshave a great weekendand stay coolGod bless everyone,Thttps://www.paypal.me/THORnewshttps://venmo.com/TEric-Lewisonhttps://www.patreon.com/thornews
41067 09:36
More Planes Collide! More Space Debris! Parallel Meteors! BIG ICE & BIG SNOW for NE! wtf Greece EQs.
22 Views / 0 Likesyou are super duper awesome.God bless everyone,Thttps://www.paypal.me/THORnewshttps://venmo.com/TEric-Lewisonhttps://www.patreon.com/thornews
41068 11:01
I Always Got Sick When My Mom-In-Law Cooked. When I Swapped Plates With Husband, She Turned Pale
22 Views / 0 LikesI Always Got Sick When My Mom-In-Law Cooked. When I Swapped Plates With Husband, She Turned Pale.Every time Lilly's mother-in-law, Margaret, prepared a meal, Lilly mysteriously fell ill shortly after. At first, it seemed like a mere coincidence, but as th
41069 01:11
SpaceX Starship fired up for a minute in preparation for flight 8
22 Views / 0 LikesSpaceX's flight 8 Starship was run through a long-duration static fire test at Starbase in south Texas on Feb. 12, 2025.New hardware was tested and six Raptor engines were cycled through multiple thrust levels, according to SpaceX.Credit: SpaceX
41070 59:49
Aline Races Involved in Hybridization | Secret UFO & ET Knowledge Compilation
22 Views / 0 LikesIn this Secret UFO & ET Knowledge Compilation, we explore shocking alien hybrid revelations, the Varginha UFO crash, NASA’s biggest UFO evidence, Hollywood’s hidden connections, and claims of extraterrestrials upgrading humanity. Featuring: Barbara Lamb,
41071 01:45
See Firefly Blue Ghost's descent and landing on moon in amazing video
22 Views / 0 LikesThe Firefly Aerospace Blue Ghost lander touched down on the moon on March 2, 2025. See footage of the descent and landing here. Credit: Space.com | footage courtesy: Firefly Aerospace | edited by [Steve Spaleta](https://x.com/stevespaleta)
41072 03:10
Dementor? Technically a UFO, bc I have no idea what this is... Must be a logical explanation...
22 Views / 0 LikesLocation: South Powers Blvd and Grinnell Blvd in Colorado SpringsWitness states. It looked maybe a thousand feet up camera facing south west. Object is maybe 50 to 75 feet long. No aircraft or visible tie downs nearby. looked about 1500' high up maybe mor
41073 00:53
US Air Force Pilot's shocking UFO Encounter ! #shorts #status
22 Views / 0 LikesUS Air Force Pilot's shocking UFO Encounter ! #shorts #status #uap #foryou #news
41074 28:35
Curiosity Unbounded, Ep. 14: Putting a glacier in its place
22 Views / 0 LikesBrent Minchew is an Associate Professor of Geophysics in the department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at MIT. He studies the behavior of glaciers in response to environmental factors and is dedicated to understanding sea level rise and exp
41075 54:31
Archon-Like ET & The EBENS as Genetic Engineers of Humanity | Linda Moulton Howe
22 Views / 0 LikesThe 1964 Holloman Air Force Base meeting may have changed history forever. Ancient ET connections, genetic experiments, and secret presidential briefings—this video exposes the shocking truth about extraterrestrial contact!Courtesy of our Partner Gaia - F
41076 12:45
Retired Couple Lives In Cruise Ship For 13 Years Until Cleaner Notices Secret In Laundry
22 Views / 0 LikesRetired Couple Lives In Cruise Ship For 13 Years Until Cleaner Notices Secret In Laundry.In shock and disbelief, they just stood there. They could succeed with their plan. Their true intentions were supposed to remain a secret.???? Hit the bell next to Su