What is it in The Sky of Curitiba? UFO Explosion? Engine Problem? July 13, 2021
What is it in The Sky of Curitiba? UFO Explosion? Engine Problem? July 13, 2021
Witness says: "She said she saw those little lights first, and it was going up, colors red, blue-green, and white like you can see in the video. She also saw they were blinking like a "five-pointed star" very oddly. Like a red dot at the top kept going up and dropping other light dots that lose their light, not like it was leaking a straight line of fire. And sometimes exploding like the ones at the end.
Looked like a balloon carrying timed fireworks that were exploding along the way, but the lights keep blinking and in different places and colors, it would have to be a different kind of source to keep the lights that long. Balloons with fireworks in Brazil usually explode at once, I've never seen one dripping light UP like that."
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Translate: AREA ZONE 51 & UFOs: http://areazone51ufos.blogspot.com/2021/07/quest-ce-que-cest-dans-le-ciel-de.html
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